Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Yo, Fuck'em - RTOTD #847

Day 847

The government is shutting down today. Guess what that means?


(Is it weird that I replaced Police with NSA in my head and started humming some NWA?)

It's the wild-wild west on the Internet! So go out and google "bomb" and "backpack" and "shooting", you probably won't be getting a knock on the door from the FBI. Probably. Maybe. I think.

And they won't really be reading your e-mail. So when you talk about those dirty dirty little things with that random online play partner, you can talk especially dirty and not worry about if that fantasy about doing that nasty, borderline (or completely) illegal thing with that other person is being read by some guy in an office in Utah. As much. Maybe.

But if your e-mail friend that you were talking to disappears, maybe they were an undercover cop & you should think about destroying your hard drive. Quickly. And then vanishing. To a non-extradition country. Or buying your way into a Mexican drug cartel.

So feel free to internet bully, google those flag words, go back to that website that had the video of the chick with the horse, or get really filthy in your fantasies. You know you wanna. Because the police-man is still at home in bed. It's a free-for-all on the intertron right now! While the NSA is busy looking at their neighbors thru binoculars from their bedroom because they need to get their daily dose of voyeurism and they don't have work to go to to get it now!


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