Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #403

Day 403

Numerology amuses me. Or let me rephrase that... Those that are into any sort of prophesying on world-wide matters based on texts written hundreds or thousands of years ago amuse me. They're mystics. Nothing more. They ignore their rational mind and throw their beliefs behind some wacky idea so they don't have to think. They can just believe.

I mean, last week we were inundated by the whole Rapture thing. Yeah... Nothing. Now we've moved back to the 2012 Doomsday theory. Before all these was Y2K and before that there was a coming doomsday about once a year for different belief structures. And after the winter solstice passes in 2012 and nothing happens, we'll be back to Nostradamus or they'll concoct some new ridiculous doomsday scenario to give themselves certainty. 

The gullible buy into them from time to time. Maybe it's a desire to feel "certainty" about the future, even if that certainty is fatalistic. Because I guess, to them, fatalism is better than uncertainty. 

Personally, I'm of the opinion that anyone that's able to look around at the world and see what's going on can be a "futurist". If you have the basic capacity of reason, decent observational skills and a logical thought process and understanding of how 1 + 1 = 2, you can put things together and get a general idea of what the future for you or the world around you is going to hold. Not specific, but good enough to know if it's going in the right or wrong direction. 

I don't need a 3,000 year old book or calendar from a dead civilization to tell me that the world is presently on a bad course. But I'm also not so fatalistic as to say "oh, we're forever fucked and we're all gonna die." 

And the wild theories that these fatalistic morons come up with to justify their beliefs, contrary to any science that says otherwise, is almost as amusing as the theories themselves. From a random rogue Planet X to Jesus/God/Allah/Whatever to photon belts to any other ridiculousness. It's greatly amusing.

And I just read a thing about how the number 11 is all kinds of special to numerologists. Like as if recurring 11's mean some sort of significance. Or that it happens more often leading up to some major event. 

For instance, looking at the clock and it's 11:11 apparently happening often. No it's not, you twit. It's because it's an easily memorable time and you don't remember when you looked at the clock and saw it was 9:38 every few days. Because you remember the number 11:11. You don't remember 7:26 unless you have a tv show coming on at 7:30. It's memorable, so you remember seeing it more often than any other time. 

Is it cool? I guess. But it would be about as giggle-worthy as if you looked at the clock and saw that it was 69:69. memorable, but not important. There's a difference. And these idiots just don't see it. 

You can make numbers mean whatever you want them to. And anyone with a couple firing neurons can make a convincing argument to back up their theories. The same goes with translations of religious texts. But in the end, they're still mystics... Ignoring their mind and grasping to the ideas of others to avoid thinking. 

1 comment:

  1. Eleven IS my favorite number. Before you posted this ^ And I despise the number 8 and do my best to avoid it at all costs.

