Friday, October 21, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #500 - The Virus Edition

Day 500

God damn... I feel like I've been counting down to Day 500 for the past 2 weeks. It's weird. Like it's a bigger milestone for me than anything else I've hit so far. I mean, really... it's just another day. But today, I hit day 500. It's also 100 days (or is it 101? my memory & brain math sucks today) since I brought this blog/column/feature/waste-of-time back from the dead like a fucking zombie.

And like a zombie, it is mindless, without direction, seeking only to feed on your brains & probably goes after fat people more than those with more endurance because they can't run away as fast.

So... I have to ask... other than the Mad Libs Editions (yeah yeah yeah... I know... everyone wants more Mad Libs RTOTD )... tell me what YOU want to see more of in here.

Also... I'd like to get an idea of the total number of readers that I have on FetLife. So if you read this stupid shit more than once a week, just say so in the comments. Otherwise, I might have to beg the caretakers or the site admins to see how many page views each of these pages gets. And they're going to probably tell me to fuck off. Or go all Unibomber on me. Or something.

Now... that I've gotten that out of the way... on to more important things.


What? You expect me to talk about something important?

I remember saying something a while ago about the new world & communication & creating your own virus to spread around this new world.

Well, this is part of my virus. This waste of your time that I manage to cobble together in a caffeine-&-alcohol-deprived state every morning. This is part of my virus. But the thing is, I'm not satisfied.

Yesterday, I made mention of the rampant attention whoring that the internet & facebook & all these other social networking things creates. But the thing is... we all do it. I'm doing it right now. I'm pandering to you, trying to get a laugh out of a bad joke or some kind of insult aimed towards one group of people or another. My virus is partially that of playing the court jester on here. I spew bullshit, piss some people off, make others snicker & generally write this as much to amuse myself as I do you.

I throw out some random Deadpool picture to make you chuckle & to comment on how much this whole world & the new world of the internet age is a joke. And I do my damnedest to live as a punchline for that joke.  That's another leg of my virus.

I point to the interesting as well as the ridiculous of the world & play the infotainment role. But that's not the whole of my virus.

I play the asshole to amuse & to take the brunt of the criticism & hopefully let someone else fix some of the shit that's wrong in the small worldof the community. To maybe make people think "I don't just have to do what everyone else is doing. I can do my own thing & not give a fuck what anyone else thinks. I don't have to just go along with the status quo." and maybe improve things or at the very least, question authority.

So why don't more of you create your own virus? This column is part of my virus. Start building your own.

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