Friday, November 18, 2011

Random Thought Of The Day #520

Day 520

So it looks like my work is going hardcore on monitoring Internet use. So I'm back to writing this damn thing on my phone each day. They haven't initiated yet, but I just got the new security policy to sign yesterday & it's basically "you can't do anything online that is not work related" now. Needless to say, getting 1500 words on random bullshit might have to start being RTOTD #X.1 late-day updates now instead of the morning stuff.

Though honestly, writing a thousand words thru my phone isn't as irritating as your think.

But it does mean that my "reading stupid shit on gizmodo" time has been significantly reduced.

On an entirely different note, I have to say... The party tomorrow is going to be one of the hardest to pull off for a while. The contractors that are doing the kitchen are about 1 or 2 days behind what I expected. They started Tuesday instead of Monday & after we also hired them to do the walls as well (painting & whatnot), it pushed us back another day. Hopefully, they'll finish today on schedule but it's unlikely. The walls still need painted, 90% of the cabinets need hung & the plywood floor needs to get finished being laid. That's not including the counter top being installed, the sink being installed, the microwave being hung, dishwasher installed & the stove put back in place.

We are still going forward with the party though. It's just going to be a little awkward. The kitchen might be off-limits for the party. We can move all the kitchen stuff back out of the dining room into the unfinished kitchen & move all the old cabinets into the corners of the basement to keep them out of the way. But it's going to limit play space a little bit.

Though the electrician should be done today. So that's one less thing to worry about.

And if anyone wants some cabinets from the 40's or 50's, let me know. They're yours. Seriously. I kinda feel bad about trashing them because they're nice. They just need re-finished & some of the hinges need replaced. I wanted to go more modern in there, so we figured it was easier to just redo the whole thing. I think I might have just been a little ambitious in getting the whole thing done in the window I had set.

And we need to clean still too.

I'd like to thank GreyOne again for letting us borrow furniture. With all the other things getting worked on this month, I still haven't had time to build anything.

One project at a time. Winter will be a good time to do building. Just won't really be able to stain or paint anything until the spring probably.

Anyone want to volunteer time & tools for a building party in January? Just all get together and build shit?

*this is post-tear-down. Before they started working. It's already in much better shape.*

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