Thursday, February 23, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #573

Day 573

At this point, I really do HAVE to have the most writings on FetLife, don't I? Is there any way I can search for that? Can Google tell me "What idiot has the most writings on FetLife?" or something? I'm really curious. I'm at 573 days of this, plust a lot of Point-1 and Point-2 editions, some random writings and some really stupid bullshit from the early days here. I'm at like 760-some writings here now. That's GOT to be the record for FetLife, right? RIGHT?

*grumble* fuck you *grumble*

You know what I have realized while writing here? That posts like this, that actually are about something other than ridiculous bullshit? They're gonna get ignored. Until I lose my god damn mind half way through like usual and start ranting about the fucking giant mutant spiders with wings that operate an orbiting space platform that is home to a motherfucking death ray that the Idiot In Chief in the White House won't tell you about because he and Rick Santorum are both evil alien lizard people from the planet Purple and are preparing us for colonization and don't want to cause a mass panic and make people realize that the world isn't what it appears from the evil mainstream media.

yes... there's a planet named Purple. The liquid water there is actually orange for some fucked up reason and the plant life is almost all white. I have no idea why it's called Purple.

Newt wants to steal that fucking death ray from the mutant spiders. To protect the moon colony.

Oh... right... what was I saying?

Yes...writing things... writing things about nothing.

I mean, I could theoretically start telling you about my weekend or something, like @Sybele does in her blog. Or I could talk about my "journey" or some sort of revelation about my kinks like everyone else does...

but that shit just isn't me. I yell. I rant. I spout ridiculous bullshit and lose my god damned mind on a regular basis, yet it somehow keeps me from going on a stabbing rampage or some other shit. And I feel quite stabbity sometimes. Very stabbity. Like... "I woke up with sharpie on my face after drinking too much last night" kind stabbity. You know what I'm talking about.

No, not you!

YEAH, YOU! You know what the fuck I'm saying, right? Yeah. I thought so.

This is what happens when I have writers block in the morning. This is the bullshit you get.

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