Thursday, July 18, 2013

Future Imperfect... No, Not The One With A Bearded HULK Ruling The World - #813

Day 813

Did you get that reference? It was amusing to me at least. Shut up.

I'm feeling fucking old. I looked online today and found out that motherfucking Chuck Taylors... yeah. Converse All-Stars... now run a bare-minimum of $55 for the regular hightops unless there's a sale. $55 fucking dollars? For some canvas kicks with a flat rubber sole, zero arch support, ankle support akin to wrapping your ankle in single-ply toilet paper, and all the traction of a pile of wet leaves? I used to buy those things for $15-20 when I was in highscool not even 15 years ago!

Are you fucking kidding me?

This shit is getting ridiculous now.

A single issue of a comic book is $4.

Chuck Taylors are $55.

$60 or $70 for a bag of pot!

A candy bar is a buck and a quarter!

Gas is almost $4.

I can't buy a loaf of bread for under $1 and my damn phone, tv and internet bill is almost $250 all-together.


And don't even let me get started on going to a movie theater. Every goddamned time, it costs me a buck or 2 more than the previous time.

$7 cigarettes.

Natty Light is almost $20 a case. Natural FUCKING Light beer is almost $20. Either someone is wildly over-valuing the quality/value of their product or there's far too many highschool and college kids with much more bloody money than we had 10-15 years ago. It was like $8 when I was in college. The only way it's worth it if THIS chick comes with the case.
This is not 1983 and
you look like you can't
decide between a Cadillac
or a panel van.
Hell, even Pabst is over $20 a case now. That shit was $9 not even a decade ago for a 24-pack. Though I blame that one on idiot hipsters that seem to think that drinking shitty beer and then overpaying for it somehow is "ironic". I still don't think you know what that word means. You use it about your 70's porn-star-stasch too. You're doing it wrong.

Exactly how can you call a fast-food meal a "value meal" when it's $7? You can walk into Eat N Park and get a burger, fries and a drink for $8 and you don't even have to carry a tray there. Someone does that for you.

And can someone tell when $60-70 became acceptable for a video game where you only get about half the content at the time of release and have to pay to download (at $5 a pop) the other half of the game one section at a time? That's before they come out with the next version only a year later for another $60. And then they release a Special Edition with some of the downloadable content and some new downloadable content that you can't download with the original edition because they stopped supporting it? Yes, I'm still pissed off about Marvel vs Capcom 3 and their bullshit use of the tsunami for why it was ok to stop supporting it and instead release Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 that would be the only version supported going forward. Fuck you, Capcom.

$2 for a cup of diner coffee. Not to even mention the prices for buying it at the grocery store. I blame Starbucks for conditioning people that it's somehow OK to charge $6 for a cup of coffee that led to that shit.

Oh fuck this. I give up. I probably wouldn't even be this pissed off if the future that we GOT and the future that we were promised weren't so different. We ended up with a surveillance state when we were promised motherfucking jetpacks. WHERE IS MY GOD DAMNED JET PACK!?!?!?

Ooooooohhhh. Comic-Con starts today, I think. Yes, I was just distracted from my righteous indignation by potentially new shiny toys and movies. Shut up. I hope you die.

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