Friday, July 19, 2013

STOP! BanHammer Time! - #814

Day 814

I hope you got a sufficient MC Hammer pants mental image there. Giggle at it. I'll wait.

More after the jump...

Alright then... did we all get that out of our system? Ok then...

On to the actual blog for today.

Did I seriously just have to ban someone from my house? Ugh. Fucking really?

I don't like it. I don't like that I was pushed far enough by someone that I had to decide that they're no longer welcome here. I mean... we've thrown almost 2-dozen parties and while there's some people that I'd tell to get the fuck out if they ever showed up at my door, they're smart enough to know that I'd tell them to get the fuck out. I've never had to BAN someone before.

I finally reached that point yesterday with someone. I'm not gonna make this about them because fuck it, it's not worth it and I don't wanna distract from the issue by it turning into a me vs them thing. That's a whole lotta waste of time.

No, I don't like that I've had to ban someone just because they personally pissed me off in a way that very few others could manage it. I'm not that guy that does shit like that. I might dislike someone. Hell, I might not be able to even suffer through a conversation with them or give them the time of day, but I still don't ban them from parties. Because I try to apply as much of the UnMunch rule to parties at the Lab as I can. I try to leave that shit at the door and just enjoy and let them enjoy themselves. It might take everything in my arsenal of self-control to not be an complete dick to them or be outright hostile towards them, but I manage to accomplish it.

Well... Most of the time. Sometimes I gotta still get in a couple subtle or not-so-subtle jabs. Because I'm just kind of a dick like that. We all know it. Hell, I don't even consider it a character flaw at this point. It's just my nature. Like the sun being bight goddamned yellow or water being wet. I am a dick.

But see... I try to at least be somewhat charming in my dickbaggery. I try to make it into a joke. Granted, it might be a pointed, hurtful, dagger-like and deeply-personal joke, but still... somewhat endearing. At least enough so that it gets the point across without it turning into a thing. Because when other people can laugh about it, then it's a lot less of a thing. At least the way I do shit.

However, in this case, I can't do that. I honestly had to just flat out decide "fuck that, there's no fucking way that asshat is coming back to anything at our place and I don't want them anywhere fucking near me if I have a choice" because I don't think I'll be able to control my tongue. Or the urge to hit them with a large, heavy, blunt object. Like a chair. Or an antelope. Well, maybe I'll have to substitute stray cat for antelopes. I don't think there's a lot of them just wandering around for me to swing. Something heavy and large and blunt and completely random.

And the thing is, that was pretty much my last straw. I let one or 2 things slide. Then I gave a polite warning to explain the transgression. They told me they understood and apologized.  And then, not a full week later, not only another transgression but one that was so far more egregious than the previous one that only a complete moron could find it acceptable. This was some straight simple shit. I could only shake my head and wonder what kind of short-bus student could possibly think that if the previous thing that earned them a warning was not cool, how this could have possibly been seen by anyone with 2 firing neurons that isn't in constant-drooling mode as OK. Hell, I dodn't even know exactly how to respond. And when you can leave me speechless, well... that's an accomplishment. I really just don't sometimes know what to say when reason fails. I was just standing there gaping my mouth like a fish trying trying to find water on land. I would open and close it and nothing came out because my capacity to even respond was beyond blown. I couldn't even respond initially.

Hell, at this point I might just be saving myself from losing IQ points via osmosis by banning them. I believe that long-term exposure to that type of stupid might just be damaging to others.

So yeah... congratulations idiot. You found a way to make a mark by being the only one to piss me off enough to ban you from the Lab. I kinda liked being able to say that nobody is banned.

Or... maybe I'll revoke the ban just so I have an opportunity to tell them to get the fuck out when they step in the door. That might be more fun for me. And if there's one thing I'm completely focused on, it's what is going to provide me the most amusement on a personal level.

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