Monday, October 14, 2013

It's Been Real - RTOTD #854

Day 854

So after this bullshit faux-Halloween party that you all wanted so that you didn't have to make a decision about the actual Halloween party that is not being rescheduled, my birthday and maybe New Years, I'm no longer interested in throwing them as an open thing for anyone that feels like coming.

I have no desire to compete over party dates. I don't have interest in "meeting the needs of the community". I don't care about working around the schedules of everyone out there so that I fill in an "open spot" on the schedule of shit going on and I don't care about saving you from making decisions about which events to attend.

I simply care about enjoying myself and being around people I feel like being around. I am no longer doing that. I've been getting asked to work around schedules and rearrange what I want to do to suit the desires of everyone else. And I'm simply not interested in doing that or being in that position. When friends start asking me to give up having things to do with them on celebratory dates so that they can attend things that I wouldn't attend without a gun to my head is when it dawned on me: You all thought I was doing this for you. I'm not and I never was. So rather than spend a bunch of time and what will only end up sounding like bitching, I'm just going to let you know that we won't be doing them anymore.

Not sure what else to say. I might still occasionally throw something, but it'll be invite+ guests only. Thanks for coming out for the past couple years and you're welcome for giving you something to do when there were virtually no other options. It's just become too much of a headache. So thanks and you're welcome. It's been real.

For those of you that donated furniture for the past few years and would like to have it back since it'll only be accessible a few times a year, let me know & we can work something out to get things back to you. It'll give me an excuse to build some stuff anyway since I've been lazy about that for the past few years.

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