Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Monster Squad - RTOTD #861

Day 861

It's Halloween and I've already saw something that gave me the urge to watch the Monster Squad today. It's almost a quintessential Halloween movie, isn't it? I mean... cheesy, monster-centric, for kids, and loses a lot of its magic but gains a lot of charm as you watch it in your 30's.

So that begs the question:

What are some quintessential Halloween movies for you?

For me, you have:

The Monster Squad (for all the reasons I mentioned above)

Halloween (Rob Zombie version, but only the first part. The 2nd part gets too incesty with his dead mother or sister and that horse thing. I never quite got it)

Nightmare on Elm Street (because...original)

Event Horizon (yes, it's a sci-fi movie but it's fucking creepy as shit)

28 Days Later (because zombies, man!)

What about you? What movies just scream "HALLOWEEN MOVIE!" to you?

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