Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #541

Day 541
Yeah... don't think you all got rid of me that easily. I just decided that I'm not writing on my vacation this time. So now that it's the end of that, it's time to get back to fucking business here. It's just the first blog post of 2012.

First of all... I'd like to thank everyone who came out for the "Let's Hope 2012 Sucks Less" party. It was kinda killer. That was probably the biggest party we've had so far and we ended up pushing about 40 people there. I'm thinking we're starting to reach capacity with these. But I'll wait until we hit 50 before making the call.

That was a lot of work & I want to thank everyone who showed appreciation for it & everyone who helped out by throwing in food or beverages or alcohol or setting up or whatever. Without your help with that, there's no way we could do these things nearly this regularly. Though with the way the liquor shelf keeps growing and growing after each of these, I'm pretty sure I could throw a liquor-only party in the near future and only go thru about half of it.

But next time I volunteer to host a group event only hours before a play party that's also at my house, someone hit me in the fucking head with a tack hammer. Seriously... I must have been on fucking drugs to do that.

Though on a different note... things are finally starting to settle here. All my roomies are now back (well, Roommate Baby gets home in about 15 minutes), so the house is starting to feel a helluva lot less empty.

I already told Artemis_Fallen... and I'm gonna let Diotima know too... next time they're both away for more than like 3 days at the same time, they need to find substitute room mates. This place is boring is shit with just me and the dogs. And I can't really go out drinking either, cause I know that I have to make it back here to take care of dogs and I'm totally not dealing with the fucking amateur hour out there around the holidays when it comes to the drunk fucks. Yo... I'm a professional. I don't have time to deal with the rookies trying to make a name for themselves out there this time of year. I mean... where's their gold medals? Who'd they ever beat? I'm like 7 times platinum with a bottle. I don't fuck with chumps like that.

But really... I'm glad that everyone stayed safe and found their beds or the floor on New Years.

There was a lot of good play scenes and it seems like each time we throw one of these, the atmosphere gets further established here. And I love it.

You know what might make this a little more fun? To see if I can maybe start scheduling these to go with some of the Rope Bite Demo things that @TwistedView is starting up. How'd that sound? Go do a demo... then head back over here & do a play party a little later? Just an idea... and I know I'm totally putting him on the spot here. I don't know... I'm just throwing shit out there. Isn't that what the one munch does already? I'm not sure... shows you how much I pay attention.

Though the downside to this idea is that it means I'm actually paying attention to community event planning. I don't wanna... I just wanna throw parties when I feel like it and totally ignore anything else that's already scheduled. It's a lot more fun to make people think that I'm intentionally causing scheduling conflicts. This might force me to actually become considered a member of the community again and not just some random asshole that throws parties and, for some unknown reason, a few people actually LIKE.

Here's a secret... sssshhhhhhh... I don't even LOOK at the events section here or any of the local group event listings. I just say "oh, I think 3 weeks form now would be a good time for a party... let's make an event' and see who shows. And then I inevitably get the "but there's this thing or that thing going on that same night and I don't know which one I want to go to! Why did you schedule it on the same night?" e-mails... and then I laugh.

Why do I do things this way? Because... and here's a shocking revelation... I DON'T CARE what else is going on. I don't care whose toes I might be stepping on. I don't care what events I might be stealing people away from. Hell, I don't even care if anyone comes. I just like to throw an occasional party because nobody else is doing it on any sort of regular basis... at least that I know of... or that I notice... or that I like. Wait... does anyone else throw a regular party?

Seriously... I appreciate all the "thank you" e-mails and whatnot. Even when I don't have time to get back to all of you.

"I do it for the nod"
"The nod?"
"yeah. at the end of every party, at least one person comes up and just gives me a nod. They say 'thank you. I needed this' and then they nod. And I nod back. Because I understand."
"you know, you're kinda weird."

*EDIT* - I had to edit this... as I already did Day 540 on Fetlife-Only for Christmas Eve. I shall post that one here eventually.

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