Friday, July 13, 2012

Random Thought Of The Day #664

Day 664

The conversation I just had with my brain:

Me - "What do you want to write about today?"

Brain - "I don't know. Fet's been fucking dead and the news is boring. And short of stealing stories that you're holding back for the book, there's no real stories to tell. Well, maybe a couple small ones, but still."

Me - "You're not very fucking helpful"

Brain - "And you're not very pretty. So fuck right off, thank you very much"

Me - "Don't you know that I have an adoring public to entertain with my genius?"

Brain - "You mean my genius, right?'

Me - "Fuck you,  you know what I mean"

Brain - "well then, you can come up with shit to talk about today all by yourself. Cause I'm officially checked out for the day until someone does something to stimulate me again. And don't even THINK that someone else throwing a temper tandrum about pronouns, consent, or any of that typical bullshit from the past few months is going to wake me up. Cause I've given up caring about that shit"

Me - "You and me both. So why don't you try to think of something that might amuse you? Cause you always seem to do your best work when it's something YOU want to talk about and don't give a damn who wants to read it."

Brain - "You're fucking pandering, dude. I told you, I'm pretty much checked out for the day. And good luck trying to actually do some work at work. I think this might be a long ass day to sit at the desk and do nothing"

Me - "Well, I can find something to do. I can... um... I can finish making sure the fillable PDF file with the Play Partner Application is done. Or I can work on writing the book some more. Maybe finish actually writing the Myrtle Beach Roadtrip story. And I can stare mindlessly at the hockey rumors sites and watch nobody actually sign anywhere. Or ... um... I can read comic books on my phone."

Brain - "I'd stick with the comic books today, man. Cause I'm not helping you out with much else."

Me - "Well, I could write more letters to people. Like to the girls that gave exceptionally remarkable and memorable blowjobs or the ones that I really wish I would have fucked when given the opportunity. And maybe play a little game of gay-chicken in there too."

Brain - "Dude, just give it a break and read some comics. That's pretty much the best you're gonna do today. And I'm still not giving you any assistance today. So fuck off and let me go back to old episodes of Loony Toons from memory. And then just sitting on a becah and lounging with a beer."

Me - *pouts*

Brain - "Dude, change your tampon, walk around the block once or twice and then see if you're still gonna be a little bitch about this."

Me - "Fine. We'll try this again tomorrow."

Brain - "And fuck you very much too"

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