Monday, July 8, 2013

Kill The Future.... Build The Future - #809

Day 809

It's hard to get myself back in the habit of writing daily here. Especially when it's fallen on so many deaf ears in the past few months.

I mean, that's one of a dozen fairly-obvious reasons I put this daily blog on hiatus for almost 3 months. I had no passion for it and you all obviously had lost your passion for reading it. And that's because things stagnate when the bar doesn't get raised and you don't challenge the status quo. Because the status quo sucks. No matter what it is or no matter how cool it might seem to you right now, the status quo really generally sucks.

It's also why Fet has been sucking so much for so long. Because I think we've all realized that there's nothing new under the sun and outside of picking up minor skills here and there or seeing an interesting twist on an idea, there's not really all that much to give us that same delight that we once had with our kinks. I know I don't speak for all of you but there's a very large segment that I am speaking for and we're bored. Seriously. Fucking. Bored. I mean, yeah sure... there's some cool stuff here or there but for the most part it's a whole lot of "been there, done that" bullshit that we can't really bring ourselves to adjust our schedules around anymore.

You know what I'm talking about. Those things that get you so excited that you work the rest of your life schedule around certain things to that you don't miss a second of it. Those things that bring up a sense of wonder or joy or child-like enthusiasm in a way that not much else in our boring, monotonous, responsible adult lives provides.

I mean, if we're just doing the same old shit with little changes here and there, I'm pretty sure we can all figure out the future that's planned. And it's the same as now. Boring as shit.

That said, I just figured I'd mention that we won't be throwing any parties anytime soon because it has just been the same old shit. Not until we get an idea of something that is fucking AWESOME and nobody has done in years if ever before. No more trotting out themes that were fun the first time and are just the same-old-thing. No, I don't wanna throw another party until I've got an idea that's totally fucking rad.

And in the same vein, I'm done being involved in stuff that is just a lot of the same-old-shit all over again.

In fact, I'm done doing shit that's not a wholly new experience. I want something that's really going to spark my passion again and I think a lot of you do too.

So I'm also challenging you all to do the same thing. Get out of your comfort zones. Do new things and don't just get caught up in doing the same old shit over and over. Break the status quo and don't support things that are just more of the same. Don't do anything that doesn't add something new that DEMANDS that you adjust your schedule around whatever it is instead of the crap that you do if it fits in your existing schedule.

Do something new. Do something original. Do something that changes the game. And push for something different. Break the future that's coming and build something different.

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